Research Keywords
History of Economics, Japanese Economic Thought
Recent Research Interests
My current research and teaching interest is the history of economic thought from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. It includes the Neoclassical School (Mainstream economics), Keynesian School, German Historical School, Marxist School, American Institutional School, and Japanese economic thought.
My approach is an interdisciplinary one, focusing on not only theory in a narrow sense, but also other important aspects, including social and intellectual backgrounds of the theory. Therefore my course, History of Modern Economic Doctrines, deals with various topics in these connections: For example, welfare or social security, international trade, distributive justice, and more generally the relationship between the market and the state.
Selected Publications
Ryo Hongo (2007), The Philosophy and Economics of A.C. Pigou, Nagoya [in Japanese]: Nagoya University Press (received the Academic Prize of the Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought in 2008).