Undergraduate Programs
Admission Policy
Globalization gives us a variety of new challenges. It goes without saying that behind these chanllenges are a number of economic factors. Against such a backdrop, studying economic science is very relevant, and at the same time, it is important to become aware of diverse cultures and different ways of thinking that exist in society and throughout the world today. To help face these new challenges, or to become a good “global citizen,” it is necessary for students to not only acquire knowledge in economics, but also to build a strong liberal-arts background and develop firm philosophical values.
The School of Economics, in its offerings of undergraduate programs, believes that its mission is to help students become good global citizens in this sense above. Therefore, the School of Economics welcomes applicants who are interested in economic issues and social concerns with the potential to think differently and be creative in their own way. It is on this principle that the School of Economics gives a variety of admission examinations.
Curriculum Policy
The School of Economics organizes and implements a curriculum in order to cultivate the following assets in our students’ minds: (1) interest/motivation, (2) knowledge/understanding, (3) skills/expression, and (4) judgment/problem-solving abilities. For more details see below.
Diploma Policy
The School of Economic awards a bachelor’s degree in economics to students who have received all required credits for completed courses, which we believe carries a variety of assets. We believe these assets can be categorized under the following four headings: (1) interest/motivation, (2) knowledge/understanding, (3) skills/expression, and (4) judgment/problem-solving abilities.
The first asset includes the ability to empathize with people and cultures from various regions of the world and the motivation to collaborate with others and contribute to society. The second includes the knowledge of essential concepts of economics, and, on the other hand, the knowledge of economic environment, history, language, and culture about the religions of Japan and other countries around the world. The third includes the ability to analyze quantitative data using information processing skills and to communicate in Japanese and in one or more other languages. The last asset includes developing good judgment skills on today’s social concerns with the aid of economics and the ability to apply that knowledge to the practical problems he or she is faced with in the future.
N.B. If you are a student at a partner university of Kwansei Gakuin University, you can take several lecture courses offered by the School of Economics, by attending the “Contemporary Japan Program” at the University as an exchange student. For further information about the Program visit this page.