KATO, Masatoshi
Research Keywords
Empirical Industrial Organization, Innovation Economics, Entrepreneurial Economics
Recent Research Interests
My research interests include a broad range of topics in the fields of industrial organization, innovation, and entrepreneurship. I am currently engaged in a number of projects in these fields. For example, I am working on the roles of entrepreneur-specific characteristics (e.g., educational attainment, experience, growth intention) and innovation strategies (e.g., internal R&D, licensing, research collaboration) in the post-entry performance of firms, using data on high-tech start-ups in Japan. In particular, I have been examining how these factors matter for performance in different industry environments (e.g., high-tech vs. low-tech, competitive vs. uncompetitive). I am also interested in how competition affects innovation by market leaders from a perspective of competition policy. To date, I have published a number of articles on such topics in refereed journals, such as Industrial and Corporate Change, Small Business Economics, Research Policy, and Review of Industrial Organization.
Selected Publications
- Keiko Ito and Masatoshi Kato, “Does New Entry Drive Out Incumbents? The Varying Roles of Establishment Size Across Sectors,” Small Business Economics, Vol 46, 57-78, January 2016.
- Masatoshi Kato, Hiroyuki Okamuro, and Yuji Honjo, “Does Founders’ Human Capital Matter for Innovation? Evidence from Japanese Start-ups,” Journal of Small Business Management, 53, 114-128, January 2015.
- Honjo, Yuji, Masatoshi Kato, and Hiroyuki Okamuro, “R&D Investment of Start-up Firms: Does Founders’ Human Capital Matter?” Small Business Economics, 42, 207-220, February 2014.
- Masatoshi Kato and Hiroyuki Odagiri, “Development of University Life-Science Programs and University-Industry Joint Research in Japan,” Research Policy, 41, 939-952, June 2012.
- Hiroyuki Okamuro, Masatoshi Kato, and Yuji Honjo, “Determinants of R&D Cooperation in Japanese Start-ups,” Research Policy, 40, 728-738, June 2011.
- Masatoshi Kato and Yuji Honjo, “The Persistence of Market Leadership: Evidence from Japan,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 18, 1107-1133, December 2009.