KUWAHARA, Hidechika
Research Keywords
Industrial Organization, Marketing Science, Competition and Regulation, International Trade and Investment, Economics of Technological Change and Econometric Theory, Economics of Public Utilities
Research Interests
My research interests are in the field of industrial organization, with an emphasis on marketing science, consumer behavior, network externalities, competition policy, and regulatory economics. My work focuses on bargaining and contracting between firms with market power in bilateral oligopoly, and studies the implications of exclusive or selective contracting and vertical integration on industry structure, competition and welfare. I received my Ph.D. from Kobe University. Research projects in competition and regulation policy include the role of entry in energy, telecommunications and airlines; the implications of network externalities, innovation, and intellectual property rights for competition policy; and antitrust analysis of vertical and conglomerate mergers. Research projects in international economics include producer-level responses to globalization and their implications for aggregate trade and investment patterns. My contributions include studies of the new consumer demand theory and the new trade theory, which emphasize the roles of economies of scale, imperfect competition and marketing behavior.