MARUYAMA, Masayoshi
Visiting Professor
April 2022 toResearch Keywords
Business Economics, Industrial Organization, Marketing, Platform Business, Retail Innovation, Competition Policy and Strategy
Research Interests
The globalization of economic activities and the evolution of digital technology have brought about major changes to the market system, forcing people to devise and construct new and effective institution to support the market. From this perspective, for the past ten years or so, I have focused on the market transformation, innovation, and new rules with theoretical and empirical research on the topics of (1) Asian retail revolution, (2) the economic effects of digital distribution, and (3) the competition policy and strategy of platform business.
Selected Publications
- Maruyama, M., and Y. Zennyo. 2020. “Platform Most-favored-customer Clauses and Investment Incentives.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 70: 102617.
- Jeong, Y., and M. Maruyama. 2018. “Positioning and Pricing Strategies in a Market with Switching Costs and Staying Costs.” Information Economics and Policy 44: 47–57.
- Maruyama, M., and Y. Zennyo. 2017. “Process Innovation, Application Compatibility, and Welfare.” Information Economics and Policy 40: 1–12.
- Maruyama, M., L. Wu, and L. Huang. 2016. “The Modernization of Fresh Food Retailing in China: The Role of Consumers.” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 30: 33–39.
- Maruyama, M., and Y. Zennyo. 2015. “Application Compatibility and Affiliation in Two-Sided Markets.” Economics Letters 130: 39–42.
Primary Affiliation
Kobe University, Emeritus